Chapter 171: Bikram Yoga
"I have been instructed by my wife and yours that I am
to take you out and make you do something you consider fun this weekend, at gun
point if necessary," Tim said to Jimmy as they got some lunch.
Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that's how I responded, as well. So, we have
three options. Abby gave me a Groupon for Bikram yoga. She got it before she
got pregnant, and had intended to use it with you, but it will expire before
she and you can use it. We can do that, and if you think it'd be even more fun
than watching just me try to keep up with it, we can get Ziva to make Tony come
as well." That idea got a hint of a smile out of Jimmy. "Or we can go
do anything else you might want to. Or I can tell them to shove it. I'm not
going to make you go out if you don't want to."
"No problem."
"I'm driving her crazy, hovering around too much.
Checking my email ten times an hour, waiting for the results of the genetic
"When are they due?"
"Any day now, but probably Monday. And she wants me to
do something to take my mind off of it. She especially doesn't want me just
roaming around the house going bonkers"
"Anything you might want to do, I'm up for."
Jimmy smiles a little at that. "Ziva'd make Tony go,
"Probably. She'd probably be up to going with us, too.
I bet she'd love to see him try. I don't think he's ever done any yoga."
"And the way he teases us about it not being real
"Yeah." Tim's nodding with a mean smile on his face,
but that fades as he notice's Jimmy's attention has slipped away from him.
"What are you hoping the results are?"
"I almost wish one of us was a carrier of the trisomy.
If that's the case, then whichever one gets sterilized, and we can have healthy
babies with an egg or sperm donor. We'd be able to… control it… you know?"
He takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. "If it was just random chance…
The die can always come up snake eyes." He puts them back on again and ate
a bite of his salad.
"I get that."
Jimmy reaches for his phone, stops himself, takes a deep
breath, and says to Tim, "Sure, Bikram Yoga on Saturday, we'll bring Tony
and laugh."
"Hot yoga."
Tony's very rarely so flustered that he's got nothing to say,
but sitting there in the car, heading to question the CO of their latest dead
sailor, staring at Tim like he's insane, he's speechless. Then speechless goes
away and a sly look crosses his face.
"I know what you're doing."
"Getting Jimmy out of the house so he doesn't drive
Breena insane."
"Sure…" Tony nods, smug, not believing it at all.
"What do you think I'm doing, Tony?"
"Surprise bachelor party. I haven't heard anything from
either about it, and it's got to be coming up."
"Ah." And Tim does look like he just got caught
with something, because, well, they do have the surprise bachelor party in the
works. He got the tickets yesterday, Jimmy got Ziva into the conspiracy, and
Gibbs was supposed to be asking Vance about the van today or tomorrow, but that's
not what's happening with this. "Really, Saturday, ten AM, hot yoga, with
Jimmy. No surprise party."
That tosses Tony back into stunned, because of all the
things they might try to drag him into hot yoga's just so far off the beaten
path he's having a hard time wrapping his head around it.
Finally he comes up with, "Why?"
"Like I said, he's driving Breena bonkers, so I've been
enlisted to get him out of the house, also because Jimmy likes it, and the
sight of the two of us trying this should make him laugh hard enough to rupture
his spleen, and he needs that."
"I get it." Tony sighs. While it's true that he's
got no problem at all being the clown prince when needed, this involves
something a little touchy for him. "You're supposed to do that in bare
feet, right?"
"Think they'd let me wear shoes?"
It took Tim a second to remember why Tony might want shoes.
Took him another second to remember that since Tony lost those toes Tim's never
seen him barefoot. When they hit the beach or pool, he's always got some sort
of shoes on.
"I think if you explained that you needed them for help
with balancing, that it wouldn't be a problem."
Tony nods.
"Or you can skip them. I mean… We're not gonna look or
"Kind of hard not to." Tony flashes him a
self-depreciating expression. "Lost all five on the right and three on the
left. It's not a big deal. Not like I can't walk or run, but it looks really
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Eight toes? |
Tony shrugs. "Ziva knew. I'm sure Ducky did, too, he
was still my medical proxy then. Didn't want it getting out beyond that. You do
need them for balance, and I didn't want to find out that NCIS would sideline
me for missing toes."
"That makes sense."
"But I can't really hide them in a locker room, or
anywhere else I'm supposed to be barefoot."
Tim nods. "Look, Jimmy and I aren't going to say
anything about them to anyone. And I'm sure if you tell the instructor you're
missing eight toes that shoes won't be a problem. And if you don't want to…
Yeah, we were both thinking beating you over the head with how hard yoga really
is would be funny, but if you don't want to go, that's fine."
"Oh… it's fine to make fun of me for being clumsy but
not for being a cripple?"
Tim flashes him a look best described as Duh! "Well,
yeah. I thought everyone knew that."
Tony rolled his eyes. "I'll be there."
"Ziva's invited, too."
Tony shook his head. "Remember when she got that third
speeding ticket?"
"Well, Saturday is driving school for her."
"Oh. Wow."
"Yeah. But if she can manage to not scare the
instructor into early gray hair, then she can get some of those points off her
Tony pulls into a parking spot. "So, what do I need to
bring for this?"
"It'll be hot, like hundred degrees, so something light
and easy to move in, but probably not shorts."
"Why not shorts?"
"Because you don't wear briefs and if the legs on your
shorts are tight enough to keep you from flashing everyone when your leg is up,
they're also tight enough that you won't be able to move easily."
"McGee, assuming there will not be people lying on the
floor between my legs, I don't think I can get into any positions where the leg
of my shorts will result in me flashing anyone."
"Then wear shorts. Bring lots of water. Don't feel
embarrassed if you can't get into most or even any of the positions, I probably
can't either, just keep trying."
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'You're gonna need all the help you can get.' |
Tony took one look at Tim and Jimmy and said, "Okay,
doing this in a hundred degree room is cheating on the sweating thing. Playing
poker in this heat would make you sweat, and that doesn't make it
"It's hot to help you loosen up and stretch,"
Jimmy said as he headed to the front desk.
"Uh huh."
Jimmy grinned at him. "And trust me, you're going to
need all the help you can get."
Tim had told Tony to wear something light, cool, and easy to
move in, and then promptly forgot about it because they got to the location of
Colonel Phelps and he switched out of weekend mode and into case mode.
So, it wasn't until that morning that it occurred to him
that he didn't have any good hot yoga clothing.
Well, that's not quite true. But as he's changing Tony looks
at him and says, "Your pajamas?"
Technically the answer to that is yes. He's in a pair of
very light cotton knit pants and an MIT t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off.
Jimmy's in something that looks a whole lot like boxer
briefs, and nothing else. It's really tight, pretty short, and Tim, even if he
was as cut as Jimmy, could not possibly image ever wearing anything that
revealing in public.
Tony's got on gym shorts and an NCIS t-shirt, and from what
Tim can tell is trying to not look directly at Jimmy, who is, for all practical
purposes, naked.
"You sleep in that?" Jimmy asks.
"No, I watch TV, lay around the house, and write in
this. I sleep naked, unless I'm on a case, which is why he knows these are my
Tony's looking at Tim. "I thought this was something
you do."
"Yoga is something I do. Yoga in public in hundred
degree heat isn't."
"You do it in your PJs?" Tony asks.
"No. I do it at home, first thing in the morning, with
Abby. So it's not like I get out of bed, put clothing on, do it with her, then
take the clothing off, get a shower, and go put more clothing on. Unless it's
cold in our room, I do it naked."
Jimmy's nodding at that. "Easier to make sure your form
is good that way."
And while Tim's sure that's true, that's generally something
he's not paying all that much attention to. Naked Abby doing yoga is vastly
more interesting to him than what his own body might be doing.
Jimmy looks at both of them and shakes his head. "Leave
your shirts. Really, it's going to be hot in there."
While it's true that the front desk area was hot, the actual
studio where they'll be doing the yoga is sweltering.
It's really, really hot.
It's like a sauna with good lighting and mirrors.
And Tim's not entirely sure that the sixty-four ounces of
water he brought are going to be enough. And Jimmy was right, this is
definitely a shirt free zone. And he's certainly debating stripping out of his
pants, too. There's a little button on the fly of his boxers… He'd probably be
covered enough, and still be wearing way more clothing than Jimmy.
He's reaching for his waistband when two more members of the
class walk in. Girls. From the looks of it, they're fourteen and seventeen. So,
pants are definitely staying on. And in what he's thinking of as his first
'Dad' moment, he's feeling a very strong desire to wrap Jimmy in a towel and
not let him come back until he's got some pants on.
Apparently this Groupon was for an introductory class,
purposely kept small so that each member could get lots of one on one
attention, so it's the three of them, the two girls, and the instructor, who is
also female and maybe twenty-two.
So, it's not like he can hide in the back or sort of blend
in. But Jimmy's looking pretty loose and comfortable as the instructor gives
them the little get-to-know-Bikram pep talk, Tony looks ready to die from a
combination of heat and embarrassment, the girls keep staring at them
(especially Jimmy) and giggling. Tim guesses he's somewhere in between and
that's okay.
And then they get started.
It's starts off easy enough, even Tony can handle Half Moon
pose's easy side bend, but it ramps up pretty fast from there.
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There are twenty six poses used in Bikram yoga, and for the
vast majority of them Tim was hearing Tony muttering under his breath,
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," along with "Ow ow ow ow
ow!" and "My God, Palmer, how the hell are you doing this!"
And Tim sincerely agrees with the last of those. Okay, yes,
he's only been doing this for five months, and Jimmy's been doing it for years,
but still… How? Human bodies were not meant to get into some of these positions
and yeah, he can see Jimmy's struggling a little with some of them, this isn't
his usual discipline, but all of his moves are slow, controlled, and graceful.
And sure he may not have the full range of extension the instructor does, but
Jimmy also isn't a twenty-something girl.
Meanwhile Tim's mostly just pleased he hasn't managed to
fall on his ass (or in the case of the Standing Separate Leg Stretching pose,
his head), yet.
And he's fairly certain Tony's just pleased that he hasn't
They're about half an hour into it when Tim notices
something else. Yes, this was designed to make sure they all get a decent amount
of one on one attention, and yes, the instructor, Jamie, has been working with
each of them, and okay, it's true that Tony's worse than the other four of
them, but he gets about five times as much attention as the rest of them.
And he's not that much worse than Tim is.
He's bad at it, no two ways about it. And even if he wasn't
eight toes down, the fact that he's got all the flexibility of a piece of
plywood is not helping things, but even without the toes he does have a decent
sense of balance, is generally good at any sort of sports, and is pretty
strong. So, there's no chance that he's the worst yoga student Jamie's ever
But he's getting a lot of one on one attention and some
really intensive encouragement.
After they wrapped up, and were heading back toward the
locker room, Jamie came over to Tony, looking up at him adoringly, standing a
little too close, and said, "You know, if you ever want some one on one
Jimmy cut in with "He's getting married in April."
"Oh." The expression on her face fell, and she
shrugged and walked off.
Tim rolled his eyes. "You know, I was almost as bad as
you were at this, and no hot girls are coming up to me to offer tutoring."
Tony grinned at him. "When you've got it—"
"And the it he's talking about is a naked ring
finger," Jimmy adds.
"She'd have hit on me even if I was wearing a wedding
"Uh huh… That's why she sprinted off when I mentioned
you were engaged. One thing you're going to have to get used to, women rarely
hit on married men. They see that ring and run away. And if you flirt with them
while wearing it, they get creeped out."
"You speaking from a lot of experience here, Palmer? Do
a lot of flirting behind Breena's back?"
"No, I've got a better source than that. Breena's book
club meets at our place every six weeks, and they have a really easy time
forgetting I'm around. I listen in."
By that point they were in the locker room and Tim drifted
off, looking forward to, for the first time he can ever remember, a cool
No, it wasn't like he'd been planning on looking. He's been
in a locker room plenty of times with Jimmy and never looked. Just like in the
restroom, not looking at the other guys' privates is part of the guy code, but
it's a tiny locker room. So, he's practically changing on top of Jimmy, who is,
of course, also naked. Which means when he turns to grab his shirt, he does see
naked Jimmy.
And suddenly why Jimmy doesn't have a problem with the
zipper on his fly when having sex in public is very apparent. His pubic hair
can't be more than a quarter of an inch long, so obviously getting snagged in
the zipper isn't an issue for him.
He didn't realize he'd said it out loud until Tony, who was
limping out of the shower, said, "What?"
"Nothing." He pulled his shirt over his head and
found his wrist cuff.
"Didn't sound like nothing." Jimmy added, looking
at him curiously, finishing drying off.
Tim rolled his eyes, looked down pointedly, then looked away
and snapped the cuff shut. "Just realized why zippers aren't a problem for
Jimmy followed what he meant and shrugged a little. "A
side benefit of not being wild and woolly."
"Side benefit?" Tony asked.
"Well, the main one is that she's not picking my hair
out of her teeth, which means her mouth heads down there a whole lot more
"Ah." Both Tim and Tony nod at that.
"And well, it makes everything look bigger, which is
kind of nice, too."
"I suppose you do what you have to," Tony said as
he starts to dry off.
"Oh please, Tony, you're not setting any records."
Tim said.
"You've seen enough dicks to know, McGee?"
"Not live, but yeah, I have." Both Jimmy and Tony
stared at him. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Don't you two even
try to tell me you don't watch porn. Remember, I'm the guy you call when your
computers mysteriously stop working after visiting certain sites. I know all
your dirty little secrets."
Jimmy just sort of shrugged, and Tony looked really
disturbed by that, which Tim found amusing because, well, Tony had nothing
particularly troublesome on his computer (the kinkiest he gets is trios with
two girls), but Jimmy's got some pretty wild stuff on his.
"Oh, and on that subject, google whatever it is you
like plus Tumblr, and then don't leave Tumblr. You'll end up calling me a lot
less often about your computers being clogged with malware."
They nodded and went back to getting dressed.
"What's Tumblr?" Tony asked a minute later.
"Fandoms and porn."
"So, geek heaven?" Jimmy said.
"No wonder you knew about it," Tony added.
A minute later, while Tim's tying his shoes, Tony asks
Jimmy. "Isn't it kind of prickly?"
"You know, you trim down there, is it kind of
"Only if you trim it too short. Shaving is where
prickly and itchy becomes an issue."
"You shaved it all off?" Tim asks. Yeah, he knows
some guys do that (once again, he watches porn) but he never thought any guy he
knew would.
"Yeah. And, the first eight hours after were really,
really good. Everything is so soft, and so sensitive, and well, Breena really
liked it, and… if she's bare, too…" Jimmy appeared to be remembering
something he really enjoyed. "Anyway… Until it started to grow back, it
was incredible. Then it started to grow back, and imaging wearing skin-tight
briefs made of sandpaper, that scrape against you every single time you move,
and I mean every time you shift, step, hell, breathe, and it feels that way for
like three days."
Both Tim and Tony were cringing at that idea.
"So you never did it again?" Tim asks.
"Not saying that." Jimmy smirks. "Really,
those first eight hours, excellent. But I don't do it if I've got work anytime
soon. And Breena did find some lotion that makes the hair grow in slower and
softer, so that helps. But, ummm… if she's not willing to lick or suck all of
you, it's probably not worth the growing back in period."
Tony nods. Tim does, too and decides he's dressed enough to
head out of the locker room.
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