McGee-centric character study/romance. Want to start at the beginning? Click
Chapter 190: Date Night
By the time he was up, showered, and more or less himself
again, dinner was looming on the horizon, so instead of a second round, getting
dressed and going out became the next thing on the list.
When the idea of romantic Monday started to solidify in his
mind, he hadn't had anything planned beyond lots of naked skin and sex. But
when Abby started talking about the suit/kilt combo something beyond just
playing at home went on the menu.
And before Abby left to go out, before he cleaned up or
fired up the trimmers, he had made reservations for them to go out to dinner.
After all, a good chunk of the fun of getting dressed up is going out wearing
whatever it is you just put on.
So, out of the shower, towel around his hips, he's feeling
very relaxed, very, very good, and awfully sassy. Kilt and top half of the suit
are a must. Rock and roll vibe was definitely going to be part of this, too.
So, first things first, nail polish. He wishes there was a
faster way to do this. Or given that it takes him a good fifteen minutes to get
it on and properly dry, that he could wear it for more than a day at a time.
But, while he's willing to push the edge on the NCIS dress code with his wrist
cuff, showing up with nail polish on is a step too far.
Though it occurs to him, when he's head of his own department,
he might be able to get some more wiggle room on the whole dress code thing.
Abby's putting her hair up while he waits for his nails to
dry, so he asks, "How'd you go about getting out of the dress code?"
She turned to him. "What has you thinking about
"If I'm going to take this much time to get polish on
my nails, it'd be nice to keep it there for more than two hours."
"Ahhh… I told Jenny that khaki makes me break out in
hives and cried on her until I got a life-long dress code exemption."
He laughs at that. "Somehow I don't see that approach
working for me."
"Vance might believe you're allergic to office
"Yes, but he won't care."
Once the polish was set, came dressing.
He never wears underwear with the kilt. That's just not how
you wear them. So, he's got an idea of how a kilt is supposed to feel, and
today it's a rather different sensation. Rough, slightly nubby, it's not bad,
but it's not normal either. He's a hell of a lot more aware of the fabric than
Shirt, vest, he was looking for a tie. The black one that
came with the suit is fine, but he's got a hunter green one that goes with the
tartan really well. He was figuring he'd tie it loosely, leave the top button
undone and then have Abby do his makeup when he noticed she wasn't wearing a
collar yet and another idea hit.
On her dresser she's got a t-shaped stand that all the
collars, bracelets, and cuffs live on. He spent a moment sorting through them
and found the collar that goes with his cuff. She saw what he was doing and
"Oh… I like that idea."
"Thanks. Let's see if it looks as good for real as it
does in my head." He handed it to her. "Put it on me?"
She kissed the nape of his neck. "Anytime you want,
He's always liked the way it feels when she puts one of her
collars on him. Sure, he knows what it's supposed to be about, and for them
it's not really, but there's still the soft weight of it, and the smooth
sensation of leather drawing tight on his throat. It's just… nice, in a tingly
sort of way.
The collar's fairly subtle. Like the cuff, it's just a strap
of black leather embossed with an arabesque. Black on black. It's under his
shirt collar, so all anyone can see is an inch or so of a band of black at the
base of his throat.
"Yeah, it is." She looked him up and down.
"You still have Ducky's hat?"
"Uh… yeah, I think so. Why?" Okay, yeah, he still
doesn't love himself in hats, but she'd certainly enjoyed him in the fedora.
And a decent dose of enthusiastic compliments and petting as a result of the
hat was softening his opinion of how he looked in them. (To the point where he
kept it on all night after the signing of the Ketubah.)
"Where would it be?"
"Downstairs, closet."
"Okay. Put the jacket on and push the sleeves up a
"All right."
He's still messing with his sleeves when she gets back up
with the fedora. They look good scrunched up a bit, but it's hard to make them
stay that way.
It's just a basic black hat, lighter gray hat band. Abby
sets it on his head and steps back. "Oh yeah."
He checks himself in the mirror, polished black leather
boots, McGee tartan, white dress shirt, top three buttons undone, black leather
collar visible under it, black vest, buttoned up, black tux jacket, sleeves
pushed up enough so his wrist cuff is visible, black nail polish, and a black
Oh yeah. Is certainly right.
"Eye makeup?" he asks Abby. He's liking this look
a whole lot, and doesn't want to venture into overkill land.
She's nodding. "Yeah. Sit down; I'll do it
He's sitting on the bed and notices the eyeliner in her hand
isn't his usual one.
"What's that?"
"I thought you said subtle."
"It will be. Look up."
He does, and feels her color his waterline. A second later
she's done the other eye. This is usually when she's finished, but she turns
and grabs another pencil and a little brush.
"Okay, what are you doing?"
"It'll look good. Hold still." He can feel the pencil
smoothing under his eyelashes, and then the brush slipping back and forth.
"What color is it." It's too close to his eye to
focus on, and all he can see is a gray blur.
"Medium gray."
"My eyes aren't going to swell shut, are they?"
"Nope. Bought these for you."
He hadn't known that. "Thank you."
"No problem. Okay, almost done, mascara."
"This really doesn't sound subtle."
"It will be; it's brown."
Tim's eyelashes, like his eyebrows, aren't actually black;
they're dark brown. So when he wears black eyeliner or mascara it's not subtle
at all. It's very clear that something is different. Meanwhile, dark
brown does draw more attention to his eyes without making a clear "Look,
I've Got On Eye Makeup!" kind of statement.
He holds perfectly still for another minute while she
finishes up.
"All pretty?" he asks, something of a wry smile on
his face.
She kisses the tip of his nose. "You're lovely."
Then gets up from his lap. "Go look."
Okay, she was right, it's subtle, and he's surprised at
this, not very girly, either. His eyes just look bigger and greener.
She's standing behind him with her chin on his shoulder.
"You like it?"
He's nodding. "Yeah, I do. It's cool."
"Yes, it is. Now, out of here. I'm going to get dressed
and want it to be a surprise."
He whistled when she stepped into his office, eyes tracing
her body from head to toe. "Oh Abby!"
A surprise was a black cheongsam with green and silver
dragons worked over the… it can't be silk, it's stretchy over her belly, but
it's got a silk sheen and looks silky. Her hair's up in a bun, and she's got
black lacquered chop sticks in it. She's done something with her eye makeup so
they look more almond shaped than normal. And to top it all off, (bottom it all
under?) is a pair of dainty, little, black silk slippers.
He more or less leapt to his feet, closing on her fast,
licking his lips, wrapping his hands around her waist.
"God, you're so beautiful."
She grins widely at that, the gasps when he picked her up
and set her on his desk.
"Tim?" she asks as he's kneeling in front of her,
pushing the skirt of the dress up.
"Dinner can wait; this can't! Look so good, got to
taste you."
So, they were running fifteen minutes late as they walked,
(both of them looking awfully relaxed, slightly rumpled, and very sassy) from
the Metro stop to the restaurant.
They had paused at the door, waiting for the people inside
to come out. Tim was barely paying any attention to them, he's looking at Abby.
But she was, so she saw who was coming out before he did.
Tim's sister looked away from her friend, saw Abby, saw
Abby's tummy and said, "Abby, oh my God! Look at you! Tim posts pics,
but…" Her hand is hovering over Abby's tummy, waiting for permission. Abby
nods. "She's really in there," Sarah says as she feels Kelly moving.
Abby and Tim are grinning at this. "Yeah, she really
is," Abby answers.
Sarah's still looking at Abby's tummy as she says, "I
can feel her kicking! That's so cool." Then she seems to notice there are
other people with them. "Abby McGee, this is Amber Greenwalt, my editor.
Amber, this is my sister-in-law." Abby offers her hand and shakes,
wondering why Sarah didn't introduce Tim, but that question is very rapidly
answered as Sarah says, still focusing on Kelly, "You going to introduce
your friend?"
Tim laughs at that, and the sound of his voice causes Sarah
to jerk, looking up and really seeing him. "You've known me your whole
life, Sarah."
"Holy shit, Tim!" Granted the lighting isn't too
bright, and he is wearing a hat, and she didn't really pay all that much
attention to the guy next to Abby, having homed in on the pregnant belly, but
still, not recognizing her brother felt really weird. "Are you wearing a
"Yes. I do get dressed up for date night, you
"Oh my god!" Her eyes are on the verge of falling
out of her head they're so wide open right now, and he's smiling, a second from
"Good oh-my-god or the whole-world-is-about-to-implode
"Who the hell are you and what did you do with
"It's really me."
"No, it's not. Tim tries to be cool and ends up looking
like a dork who's trying too hard. Pseudo Tim or whoever you are actually looks
cool, thus, who the hell are you?"
He laughs at that. "So, where's that man of
She smiles. "At home, this was a working dinner for
"Working how?"
"Oh God, sorry. Amber, Tim McGee, my brother. You know
him as Thom Gemcity."
He shakes Amber's hand. "Final edits?"
Sarah shook her head. "Super top secret writer stuff.
If it works, I'll tell you about it."
"Uh huh… And when will you know if it worked?"
"Round about Christmas-time. This works out, and I'll
have a big announcement for all of you."
She steps back and really looks at him again, nodding.
"Looks good."
They're tucking into some really delicious miso soup when
Tim asks, "So, what did you add to the honeymoon pack?"
Abby grins. "Not sure I should tell you."
"Really?" Tim's grinning and very intrigued, soup
"Yeah, I'm fairly sure that's not the sort of thing
Ziva told Breena and I about to have it blabbed around."
He sighs, exaggeratedly loud. "Well, if you shouldn't
tell… You shouldn't tell… But you know, he is the guy who picked the lock to my
apartment, heard us having sex, and still walked in on us so he could see the
action. He's got a lot of bad privacy karma to work off, you know…"
Her smile widens. "Yeah. I do. Okay, you cannot say
anything about this."
He's grinning. "I never do. What was it?"
She takes another sip of the soup, then says,
"Everything you ever wanted to know about oral sex. You said it had to fit
into the bag, so it's three mini books of basic, intermediate, and advanced
technique. He, like a lot of guys, isn't nearly as good at it as he thinks he
Tim laughs, really, really hard at that. He's practically
crying by the time he calms down. "Tony Motormouth DiNozzo's not all that
hot with oral?"
Abby nods.
Tim starts laughing again.
"It's not that uncommon of a problem, lots of guys
think they're a lot better at it than they actually are."
That stops Tim cold. He's staring at her, voice sounding
very wary as he asks, "What do you mean by lots of guys?"
That makes her laugh. "Not you."
His look is questioning.
"Really, not you."
"But you'd tell me, right, if it was me?"
That makes her laugh even harder. "Have I ever had any
trouble telling you how to get me off?"
They stop talking for a few seconds as the server clears away
the soup and puts several sushi rolls in front of them. Abby takes that break
to switch from sitting across from Tim to next to him. Not only is it easier to
share food that way, but they can talk a little more quietly.
Once settled, she says, "Look, back the first time we
dated, you mainly had enthusiasm and a willingness to take orders going for
you. And that'll get you pretty far. I've yet to meet a woman who wasn't
thrilled by a guy who'll dive in and eat pussy like he's starving and it's
every favorite meal he's ever had, and who doesn't act like it's a fatal insult
to his masculinity to be told that he needs to adjust his technique. But, you
might remember, I was telling you a lot of left, right, harder, up, use
fingers, sorts of things, too."
He nods, chewing. He does remember the first few times he
went down on her that yep, she did give him a lot of directions, and he was
more than cool with that, because the idea was get-Abby-off, and anything that
made that more likely was something he was in favor of.
"Am I still doing that?"
She picks up a piece of their Tokyo roll. "Between then
and the second time we got together, you got some technique to go with
enthusiasm, and baby, you give head like a woman… Like a lesbian."
He thinks about that for a second, taking a sip of his sake.
"That's a compliment, right?"
"Oh yeah." She grins and nods.
That got both of them thinking, which meant they both
started their questions at the same time, followed by a few seconds of
you-go-first-no-you, finally they settled on Abby going first.
"So, you didn't really date, not a whole lot, how did
you get that good?"
"I didn't get a lot of hands… mouth on practice, but I
did research the hell out of it."
"I'm not a woman, and when I wrote the T.M. Gee books I
needed to convincingly write one, so… I watched and read a ton of porn by and
for women. Lots and lots and lots of it. For a few years there, I had a lesbian
porn collection that would have made Tony jealous. Or maybe not, cause it was
real lesbian porn, not lesbian porn for men, which is, well, not really the
same at all."
She's laughing at that. "And you would know."
He's nodding, grinning. "Oh yeah, I would know! Anyway,
lots and lots of lesbian porn and the main thing I learned about oral was: your
tongue isn't a dick, so don't use it like one; no woman ever got off from
tongue thrusting. If you're a guy, and you're doing that, it's because it gets
you off. Also, there's a whole lot more to a pussy than just a clit, so play
with all of it, and don't narrow focus until you've hit endgame. Once I had the
theory down, practice kind of took care of itself."
"Ah… So, what did you want to ask me?"
He's looking a little sheepish at this, but he is curious,
and he's never actually asked… He eats another bite of their dinner, putting it
off for another few seconds.
So, the thing is, Tim knows Abby likes girls, at least on a
theoretical level. They occasionally check out the same girl at a club, and tag
team story telling sometimes involves other women. (Like Breena for example, or
the girl they're both checking out at the club, especially if they happen to be
at the club while telling the story.) But he's never flat out asked if she's
had sex with another woman, and she's never flat out said.
So he smiles, hopes learning the answer to this isn't going
to bite him in the ass, and asks, "How do you know?"
"How do I know what?" She licks a drop of the
sauce off the tip of her chopstick.
"That I give head like a lesbian."
Her eyebrows shoot up, and she looks shocked. "Did you
not know that?"
He rolls his eyes a little. "Would I be asking if I
"Practical experience."
He nods, noticing a complete and utter lack of jealousy,
files that under interesting things he'll think about later, and says, "So
you've had girlfriends, too?"
"Never with one of them long enough to qualify as a
girlfriend. Not that I was ever great with relationships before you, but…
basically, I like sex with girls and boys, but do friendships better with girls
and relationships better with guys."
"So, you really are bi?"
"I couldn't care less about the label. It's just skin,
you know? And it feels good rubbing against mine, so if I like the person
inside the skin, we're good. And about one out of five times that skin was
shaped like mine. I guess whatever you are is your default idea of normal,
because, like, I can see you don't like guys, but I can't figure out why."
"Just don't."
"Yeah I know." She'll looking a little perplexed
by this, but settled at the same time. Like she's talking about a puzzle she's
come to terms with never solving. "You love Jimmy. He's objectively
attractive. You're both good at and very enthusiastic about sex. And, nothing,
from either of you."
"Yep." Tim's nodding away at that, because, well,
yeah, he agrees with it. He's never felt even the slightest desire to do
anything sexual with Jimmy even though he does A: love him, and B: as guys go,
Jimmy's in really good shape.
"You'd rather watch Breena and I make out, no touching
on your part, just frustrated watching, than have him get you off, even though
that would actually result in an orgasm."
"Again, yep."
"And somehow that makes sense to you," she says
sipping her tea.
Tim shrugs. "I'm not sure it makes sense. It's probably
not logical. It just is how it is. I mean, I read things, back in college,
about how we're born bisexual, and get shaped into straight or gay, but if
that's true, I can't ever remember a time where I felt that way. I can;
however, remember being three and having a crush on one of the girls in my
Abby smiles at that.
"So, yeah, like girls. Love girls." He stroked her
face. "Love you. And yeah, I'm well aware of what we did this afternoon
and the fact that I've got on eyeliner, nail polish, no body hair below my eyelashes, and am wearing a skirt as I say this, which means I'm probably the
swishiest straight guy you know. I'm certainly the swishiest straight guy I
know. But, yeah, no interest in guys. Just, none. And given how my first
semester of college went, if I had had any interest in guys, at all, I probably
would have been sleeping with them just to piss my dad off."
That makes her chuckle, and he kisses her gently, enjoying
this conversation.
"But you don't think it's icky?" Abby asks.
He thought about that. "Not sure what you mean."
"You got a really uncomfortable look on your face when
the idea of putting my clothing on came up."
"Okay, yeah." That does it for him. He knows what
she means by icky. "And honestly, I don't know. If I've ever been hit on
by a guy, it was subtle enough I didn't notice it."
"You got felt up by one when we were in New
"Okay, true, and yeah, I remember that feeling weird.
Mostly because it took me so damn long to figure out it wasn't you doing it.
But I was also kind of drunk, insanely turned on, and in a serious party mood.
Hit me with that sober, and I might not be so cool about it." He thought
about that some more. "Okay, honestly, it was about on par with hugging
"Gibbs' Diane?"
Someone I didn't want in my personal space. |
"Yeah. It was just weird. Someone I didn't want in my
personal space pressed against my body. Not fun. It wasn't gross or anything.
Like, I think Tony threw up after he kissed that guy, and there was nothing
like that. I just didn't like it."
"Fair enough. I'm just glad you don't think it's icky
that I like girls."
"You know, I don't think that's ever going to be a
problem for me. Not sure I want you bringing any real live ones home…" He
thinks about that and the fantasies they tell each other. "Okay, yeah, I want you
to do that… But when my dick isn't doing the thinking, I realize that might end
up being a lot messier than I'd like."
Abby nods and smiles. "I love you. That's never, ever
going to change. If just us is what makes you happy and comfortable, then just
us is fine. But, the offer for more is always open. It's just got to be a two
way street. Any time you're willing to play with a guy; I'm all for bringing
home a girl. Or both at once: Jimmy and Breena would be willing to play with
His eyebrows shot up. He's not entirely sure what that
feeling surging through him is. A whole lot of surprise, but there's something
else there, too, and he doesn't know what it is. Finally he pulls himself
together enough to say, "You know that for a fact?"
She wiggles her hand a little, signaling sort of. "Breena's
interested. Like you, I'm not sure if Jimmy's cool with it. We've talked about
it, but I don't think she's talked to him about it."
"Oh." That idea, Breena and Abby talking about the
four of them having sex together makes his mouth go dry and his dick twitch.
"You two talk about us…" He's not sure what the right word is, not
even sure what precisely they're talking about, so he tries a few.
"Foursoming? Swapping? Swinging?"
"A few times. And as a foursome. Either all of us or
none of us."
The flash of that image, all four of them tangled together
in bed is simultaneous very sexy and terrifying. "Like just messing around
talking, or like talking?"
Abby's eyebrows furrow, and she eats another bite of her
sushi. "I don't understand what you're asking."
"Are you guys serious about it?"
"Enough to have figured out that it would have to be
all four of us together. If it's all four of us, well… On the good side, we all
get to see and touch and play. On avoiding the bad side: no jealousy, no
wondering, we'd all know exactly what the others are doing."
Tim swallows hard, takes a drink of his water, swallows
again. He's honestly not sure if he's so turned on he's going to fuck her
through the wall here and now, or if he's so scared he's going to wet his kilt.
Abby strokes his face. "What's going on? I have no idea
what that expression on your face means."
"Probably because I don't, either. You two really talk
about this?" There's a hefty dose of amazement in his voice.
"We talk about lots of stuff."
"Yeah, but… Do you talk with Ziva about stuff like
Abby smiles at that. "No. Though she's the one who got
the conversation between Breena and I started. She saw how we were playing with
each other to wind you guys up and asked if the four of us were sleeping
"When was that?"
"Remember the girl scout fantasy?"
He nods. Yes he remembers that, fondly.
"Remember how we were dancing with each other before
He nods at that, too. Yep, he liked that a lot, as well. All
three girls all close up and rubbing against each other. He could be dead, and
he'd still like that.
"So, we're dancing, you're looking like you want to eat
us alive, and she asked."
"Next day Breena and I got talking with each other
about it."
"Huh. That was almost a year ago. You're just
mentioning it now?"
"Didn't come up before now. Not like there's any rush,
is there?"
"What? No… At least, I don't think so… No.
Shit..." He spends a long minute just looking at her, kind of confused,
partially wondering if this is a game to wind him up. "Really, you two
talk about this?"
"Yeah, we do. Last time was when we were getting Tony's
presents. You look really confused."
"That's probably a good word for it." He feels
like, maybe, if he could get some more rules in place, some more of an idea of
exactly what's going on, he can find his footing again. "So, like a one
off thing, or regular, like, just playing or… what, becoming a…" he
flounders around for a word that would cover this, "quadruple?"
"We were talking about it as a one off thing, with an
understanding that if it was fun, we'd probably do it again."
The fact that Abby and Breena have it this far planned out
stuns him. Then he realizes what she said, and he's able to identify part of
why this scares the hell out of him. "What if it's not fun?"
She smiles, and he can see that's a concern for her, as
well. "And that's why we're not in any rush. That's why we talk about it.
Do you think it'd be fun?"
"God, I don't know! Yes? Have your best, hottest
fantasy come true, sure, that's good. Assuming Jimmy or I didn't freak out. Big
fucking assumption there. I mean, you and Breena and… But Jimmy'd be there too…
Really, I don't feel any need, at all, to have sex with him watching. Joking
around about it or talking is one thing, doing it with him… I don't know. I
mean, yeah, I love Breena and… but…" He's gesturing with his hands like
they can somehow fill in the blanks in his sentences. "Okay, the night
before we got married, he was joking about sleeping with you, and I almost hit
him. Seriously, my hand was in a fist, and I was going to punch the shit out of
him. And, I'm not feeling that right now, but he's also not actually
Abby nods. "I think when they lost Jon, something
shifted with you two."
Tim thinks about that, remembering holding Jimmy as he
cried, and realized that that's the most intimate he's ever been with another
guy, and not only did it not freak him out, but it felt really right. Same
thing with sleeping with him and Breena when they got home. Someone he loved
was hurting, and touch is comfort, so it didn't matter that the body in
question was male. "I think you're right about that, but… still… that's a
huge leap."
"I know. And look, nothing we do is going to upset
this. We love them. They love us. We love each other. They love each other.
Anything ever happens it'll be because of that love, not in spite of it."
She touched his face again. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I am. Just, lots to process."
"Well, don't think about it too hard. Still got stuff
to do tonight." Her hand slipped up his leg. "Oh. Hard might be the
operative word. Seems like at least part of you likes this idea."
"Yeah, well that part of me isn't in charge for a good
reason. It likes lots of stuff that might not be great ideas."
That got a laugh out of Abby. She leaned in close, licked
his ear lobe, and said, "And it really likes the idea of me and Breena,
sitting on the sofa, talking about sex with each other and our favorite guys,
doesn't it."
He groaned at the idea of that. "Oh, fuck yes!"
"Wanna hear more about it?"
"Yes, but not right this second. We took the metro
here, and I'm wearing a kilt. Everyone in DC doesn't need to see me with a hard