Chapter 26: Stakeout
Five days later they're on a stakeout and Tony
says, "So, if you're my partner, who is Ziva's?"
"According to Gibbs, it's him."
"Why are you asking?"
"Just, thinking about it."
"Okay. Can I suggest something?"
"Suggest away McSuperfreak."
"Before you do anything beyond think, talk to
"He was cool with you and Abby."
"His exact words were, "McGee, DiNozzo's
your partner. Abby's the love of your life. Now go make her happy.'"
"Sounds like he was cool."
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean he'll be cool
with you and Ziva. He trusts me not to screw this up. I don't know if he trusts
you with that, not yet."
"Why wouldn't he trust me with this?"
"Because you've got a horrible track record
with women."
"And you don't?"
"Not the same kind you do. I pick the wrong
girl. Stop picking the wrong girl, and I'm an ideal boyfriend. You're
emotionally closed off and treat women like objects. Big, big difference. Look,
he loves us." Tony doesn't look like he buys that. "You didn't see
the way he looked at me when he thought I was hurt, or the way he was asking
about you and Ziva when you were missing. He loves us. But we're boys. So, we
get treated like sons, you know, hands off, not too protective unless we really
need it. But Abby and Ziva, they're his
girls. And if it's one of us or one of them, they win. Hands down. You
screw things up with Ziva, and he will kill you."
"Like he'd get the chance. She'd kill me so
dead so fast he'd just be standing there with the tape to mark where my body
had been."
"Good point. Still, talk to him first. He'll
appreciate it, you know in an old-fashioned-calling-on-my-daughter sort of
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"You want me to get us some lunch?" Tony
"Sure, that sounds good."
Tony comes back to the car with two hamburgers,
fries, and drinks. Tim pops a fry into his mouth. "Ahh... stakeout food.
Yum!" His tone is about three quarters sarcastic. He likes burgers and
fries, but they've been on stakeout for a while, and they're getting
Tony's fiddling with his burger, not really eating
"What's wrong, Tony?"
"You sure?"
"I'm... Okay, no, not nothing. The thing with
the ropes, how does that work?"
"They're ropes. You tie knots in them. It's
not rocket science." Okay that came
out sharper than was probably warranted, but the way Tony's looking at him has
him on edge. Tony's looking at him like he doesn't like what he sees when he
looks at Tim.
"No... I mean... why? Is it a power thing?
You're in charge, she can't leave? Your little inner rapists gets to
Tim's eyes go wide and his burger drops out of
numb fingers. He's never been more insulted by anything Tony's said to him.
"Tony, what the hell is wrong with you?"
Tony looks really disturbed and very confused.
"You don't have to tie them up if they like you!"
"I don't have
to tie Abby up. I like tying her up.
She likes being tied up. And she does
it to me just as often as I do it to her. I like
getting tied up. She likes tying me
up. No inner rapists." He slaps Tony's shoulder. "It's a game. It's
fun. I don't get basketball, that doesn't mean that I think you want to go run
around and assault people."
"I just don't get it." Tony's looking at
his burger, but that expression of disgust aimed at Tim has vanished.
Tim takes a deep breath and tries to think of how
to explain this. "Okay, ropes. If you're using a rope, it's for the
aesthetics." He grabs his phone and clicks on a hidden file. This is where
he keeps his super secure items, mostly pictures of Abby, but bank statements,
his password folder, stuff like that is in here, too. A screen pops up asking
for the password. If you type anything into it, it destroys the phone, and not
just in a wipes the memory sort of way, but shortly after watching Sherlock
Season Two, he wired a tiny explosive into it as well. Type a password in and
the phone goes boom. You have to wait a full minute for the password request to
vanish. The screen goes black, it looks like it just powered down, then you
type in the password. It's one letter: J. Type in the wrong letter, boom. Type
in more than one letter, boom. Take more than five seconds to type in the
password, boom. Open the phone, boom. It's probably the most secure phone in
the western hemisphere.
He sorts through the images, keeping them out of
Tony's view. Even though Tony's already seen this, he stood there for a minute
before running out screaming, he doesn't want to share most of the images with
Just the one of Abby's forearms and hands.
"Look Tony, take a moment and really look at it. It's beautiful. The red
of the rope, the sheen of the satin, the way the knots make her hands and arms
look so long and delicate. Look at her fingers, and the way they're twined in
the rope. Look at her nails, crimson nails on scarlet rope. Look at the
contrast between her skin and the rope. White skin, black ink, red satin ropes.
The Japanese call it Kinbaku-bi, the beauty of tight binding. In Japan the rope
would usually be jute or hemp, but they're sharp and itchy, so I go for silk or
satin. This has a long tradition, and there are a lot of words to go with it.
Shibari is a more common one, but doesn't indicate the same level of emotional
attachment Kinbaku-bi does.
"Some people are really into this. Lots of
specific knots, lots of tradition. Some of them like pain to go along with it,
but that's not Abby or I, so I always make sure the knots are comfortable, once
again, no hemp ropes. But for the most part, with a rope, it's about how it
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Tony's face is pointed toward the image on the
phone, but he doesn't seem to be seeing it. "That's how you see it. I see
bound hands clenched against a rope, and that looks like pain to me."
Tim looks at the picture again and points it back
at Tony. "Her hand isn't clenched."
"Okay, not that picture, but when I was...
"Oh." Fuck! Tim rubs his eyes, taking a moment to think about what that
might have looked like if you didn't know what you were seeing. "I wasn't
hurting her Tony. You know that, right?"
"Yeah. But..."
"It looked painful to you?"
Okay, how to
explain this... "You ever really watch a woman's face when she gets
off? She looks like she's in pain."
"No she doesn't!"
At this point it occurs to Tim that either the
kind of woman he sleeps with is in some way fundamentally different than the
sort Tony sleeps with, or their technique is so radically different as to
produce very different results. Either way, this isn't the road to take.
"Okay, fine. She doesn't." Tim picks up his burger, and flicks the
crumbs off his trouser leg. "That's gonna stain."
"You're just gonna leave it at that?"
"I'll bow to your superior experience in this
matter. I've only seen three women get off."
"Three?" Now Tony's looking a bit
Tim can feel him warming up for some serious
teasing, so he gets ready to shut him down. "Yeah, three. I had one steady
girl in grad school. My next two longest relationships have been with the same
woman. I haven't hooked up with every woman in the metro area. And you can't
see her face if it's too dark, your eyes are closed, you're behind her, you're
going down on her, or she doesn't get off." That last bit makes Tony
scoff. "Oh stop that. Eighteen-year-old virgin Tony did not get his first
girl off, either."
"I was fifteen, and you're probably right
about that."
"Probably?" Tim gives him his cut the bullshit look.
"Okay, yes, you're right about that. So, you
do it because it's pretty?"
Okay, this is better. Tony's looking more curious
than bothered right now. "You use the rope because it's pretty. If it's
just about not moving, well, I've got handcuffs for that, and they're a lot
And that shot curious to Hell. "Oh God, am I
ever going to be able to look at your cuffs without imagining—"
"I don't use my work cuffs for that."
"Thank God. But you do use cuffs?"
"Sometimes. You know, for when we don't plan
things out days in advance, but still want to do something different."
"Sounds rapey."
"Rapey?" Tim puts his head in his hands
and groans in frustration. Then he looks up again. "You've never actually
done anything like this with a girl, have you?"
"No! If I come at a girl with handcuffs,
she's gonna run away, because that's a sign things are about to go very
"That's because you don't get to know the
women you sleep with! Okay, Binding 101: trust. Her good time is, literally, in
my hands... or mouth, I guess..." Tony's getting that disturbed look
again. Tim flashes him an exasperated look. "Please, you cannot possibly be that vanilla."
"I'm not. It's just the image of you doing it."
"Fine. Anyway, she's trusting me to treat her right. She's letting me control everything, and putting her body in my hands for our mutual pleasure. Can you get how big of a deal that is?"
"I'm not. It's just the image of you doing it."
"Fine. Anyway, she's trusting me to treat her right. She's letting me control everything, and putting her body in my hands for our mutual pleasure. Can you get how big of a deal that is?"
Tony shrugs.
"Maybe it can't be explained. Either you get
it or you don't. I get it. Abby gets it. And honestly, beyond the fact that
nothing is happening that she doesn't want to happen, you don't need to get
"I want... Damnit... You're my best friend,
and I want to get it. I don't want to think of you doing bad things to your
girlfriend." Tony looks shockingly earnest as he says that, and it freaks
Tim out on several levels.
"It's not bad!" And it's not, and he
hates the idea that Tony might think it is. He's used to people thinking he's
weird. That's more or less his default setting. But, with the exception of his
dad, no one he's cared about has ever thought his interests were 'bad.' Granted
with the exception of Abby, no one else has ever really known about this
particular set of interests.
"So you say."
"God, you are such a prude." And yeah,
that was probably mean, but he's feeling very defensive right now.
"I'm a prude because I don't like whips or
"No whips, no chains, and you're a prude
because you can't get over the idea that if you don't like something no one
else is allowed to like it either! Seriously, do you think Gibbs or Ducky or
Palmer would be freaking out about this?"
"McGee, just, yuck, okay. I don't want to
know what sorts of things Autopsy Gremlin gets up to with his wife, and I'm
sure Ducky has an at least 3,000 word long monologue about the art of erotic
knot tying, but I don't want to hear it, and Gibbs wouldn't freak out, he'd
just calmly kill you if he knew what you were doing to Abby."
Abby, not to her, and no he wouldn't.
He'd just get that exasperated look and file it under 'stuff McGee likes I
don't understand' and leave it at that. And you should, too. It's just another
sort roleplaying, sexy D&D for grown-ups. Shove it in your own 'stuff McGee
likes I don't understand' file and let it go."
"It's creepy."
Tim tries very hard not to roll his eyes and ends
up looking at the roof of the car as a result.
He sighs. "Okay, Tony, what sort of sex should I like?"
"You know: plain, normal, American sex."
"The kind of sex you like?"
"Meaningless casual encounters with women who
won't remember me more than two days later? Why would I want that? Why should I
like the same kind of sex you do? I'm not having sex with you!
"Look, I don't like the same movies you do. I
don't like the same books. I only like some of the same foods." Tim stares
at Tony for a while, getting the sense that this is close to something
important, but not really there. He's having a hard time getting it just by
looking so he switches from the DiNozzo in front of him to the version in his
stories, and tries to figure out what would be motivating Tommy if he was freaking
out like this. "Is it the idea that of the two of us, you're not the most
sexually experienced, is that what's bothering you?"
"Not the most... Every girl in the greater DC
area! They've got to ship 'em in from Baltimore and Richmond to find women I
haven't slept with."
"Having exactly the same encounter with seven
hundred different women doesn't count as variety or experience."
"It should."
"But it doesn't. This isn't about me or Abby.
It's you. You've got this idea of yourself, worldly, experienced,
sophisticated, and you walked in on something you've not only never done, but
being done by me, someone you consider naive. You expect that if I've done it,
you've done it too, a thousand times over, and probably better. No, that's not
right. You couldn't care less about most of the stuff I've done, you aren't
angsting about novels or code; you never expect to do it. If I've done
something that matters to you, you assume you've done it, too, a thousand times
over, and better."
Tony doesn't say anything, but Tim can see from
his expression this is hitting him, hard. He's thinking about it. Out of the
corner of Tim's eye he catches something moving. "We gotta go; the guy in
the blue jacket just left the house."
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