Chapter 83. The Difference A Year Makes
Some things have stayed the same. Andes mint chip cookies
and jambalaya, check. Though this year they decided to make something together,
something to start their own traditions with.
And while it’s true that McGee loves sugar, he’s been doing
a very good job of staying away from it, so they decided something to munch on
that’s vaguely good for them might be a plan. He’d gotten down to 190 and was
thinking 185 to 180 was probably where
he wanted to be. So, one plate of cookies was enough, time for something
healthy to go with it.
So this year, next to the plate of cookies and the casserole
dish of jambalaya was a bowl of roasted root veggies with curry spices. It was
tasty, took almost no skill to make, and meant that for once Gibbs didn’t make
every single vegetable dish. (Not to disparage Gibbs’ cooking skills, but while
the man is handy with a fire and a steak, or an oven and turkey, he has a
tendency to cook veggies well-done.)
And like last year the house was bursting at the seams with
happy people. Even more this year than last, Vance and his kids, and Gibbs’
“friend” Susan have joined the party. As Tim learned, if you referred to Susan
as anything other than a “friend” you get the Gibbs stare of death, and
depending on what other than friend you referred to her as, a headslap, too.
She’s the sort of “friend” who makes Gibbs smile. (When he
thinks no one is looking.)
And once again, DiNozzo Sr. has decked the place out with
every sprig of mistletoe in the greater DC area.
This year, as Tim’s leaned against the door jam between the
foyer and living room, and Abby walked by, and his hand snaked out to grab
hers, the kiss was soft and wet and open. He enjoyed not having to pretend it’s
just friendly.
And this year, he wasn’t the only one to steal a kiss (or
five) under the mistletoe. Tony and Ziva certainly took advantage of the
license offered by the dangling evergreen. And so did Gibbs. When Susan was standing
next to the mantle, talking with LJ and Jackson about something, under a sprig
of mistletoe, he handed her a cup of eggnog and leaned in and kissed her full
on the lips, soft and sweet. Much to the joy of both his father and father’s
best friend.
And, of course, this year Fornell is glaring at Tim, again,
but, and this was nowhere on the list of things he’d ever thought could piss
the man off, it’s because he and Abby are engaged.
Well, sort of, it’s not the engagement so much as Emily
reacting to Tim and Abby.
Tim was sitting on the sofa, Abby between his legs, leaning
against his chest, (It’s not so much about being physically affectionate,
because that was a bit more snuggly than they usually are with outsiders
present, as it was the lack of seats and by sharing a space they both get to
sit, without hogging too much of the sofa.) talking wedding plans with Emily,
Kayla, and Amira. And between the ring, and the idea of a costume wedding, all
three of them were staring at him like he’s pretty awesome.
He noticed a somewhat similar look of wary fear on Vance’s
face, too, though he isn’t outright glaring at Tim. And if Mike Franks was
still around, he’d probably be offering a similar look on Amira’s behalf.
See, the thing about being the father of a young teenage
girl, is that, when said young teenage girls are at a party hanging out with an
engaged woman and her fiancée talking about weddings, is that it gives teenage
girls ideas.
The sorts of ideas that their fathers really wish they
weren’t having.
And it only gets worse when Jimmy and Breena head over, and
start talking weddings and babies. And if there’s anyone in this house doting
over his significant other more than Tim was doting on Abby, it’s Jimmy with
So, it’s not anything specific to Tim or Palmer. Tony’d be
getting that same why the hell would you
do this to me glare from Fornell if Ziva was pregnant or talking wedding
But she wasn’t. And Abby and Breena were.
And Emily was a pretty hardcore steampunk fan, so she’s
really, really into the whole wedding planning idea and hanging on Abby’s every
word, and they were sketching out a costume for Fornell, talking about him as
an aeronaut, with Breena sitting right nearby adding extra help with the
detailing. Finally as they were getting his hat and gloves designed, Fornell
decided it was time to put a stop to this, because glaring at McGee, who just
kept grinning at him, was not having the desired effect, so he headed over and
said, “I’m sure Abby and McGee—“
Which is as far as he got in that sentence before Abby looked
up at him, grinning and said, “Would be completely thrilled to have someone so
into steampunk at our wedding. You’re on the invite list anyway, so bringing
along Emily isn’t a problem.”
Fornell looked really puzzled. Gibbs mentioned something
about it being a family only wedding, so he did not in any way expect to be
attending this thing.
“I’m on the invite list?”
“Sure, Tobias. You and Emily, and maybe that boyfriend of
hers—“ Emily blushed scarlet and shoved Abby gently. “—who apparently I’m not
supposed to mention. And any date you might want to bring, too. You’ll come,
right? You’re not going to leave Gibbs all on his own, are you?”
And faced with Abby and Emily, both beaming at him with
intense come to the wedding vibes, Fornell found himself nodding.
Twenty minutes later, he pulled Gibbs to the side and said,
“What the hell is steampunk, and why do I have to get dressed up for it?”
Gibbs shrugged. “Some sort of old west-fantasy thing. And
you have to get dressed up because I have to get dressed up, and we’re both
doing it because girls we love want us to.”
“I should have shot that little punk last year.”
Gibbs just looked at Fornell. That’s my son-in-law comes through loud and clear.
“Fine. This better not be stupid.”
The looked morphed to Of
course it’ll be stupid, but we’ll do it anyway because we love them.
Fornell shook his head.
Gibbs looked over, Breena and Jimmy, Abby and Tim, Amira,
Kayla, and Emily all sitting on the sofa or coffee table, talking. “They’re
talking babies now.”
“Oh God. I’m telling you Jethro, this is going to kill me.”
“I hear it only gets worse from here.”
“Thank you so very much.”
“Go glare at Palmer, might make you feel better.”
“I suppose I could use this as an object lesson on how it’s
supposed to be done: school, job, married, then kids.”
“Might work for that. They’re good men, Tobias. Probably not
a bad idea to have her see how good men treat women they love, let alone what a
functional marriage looks like.”
Good points. She doesn’t get to see that his home, or, since
the reason he’s got her two Christmasses in a row is the impending divorce of
Diane and Sterling, her mom’s house, either. “I know. It was just easier when
she was into Raspberry Rumtart, My Little Ponies, and kittens.”
Gibbs smiled a little, and Fornell realized how much his
friend would have liked to have gotten to the boyfriends and fashion part of
this. Tobias squeezed Gibbs shoulder quickly, and said, “They’ve already got a
costume sketched out for me for this thing.”
“At least it’s Steampunk. The first idea Abby and Palmer—“
![]() |
The bride and her man of honor. |
“He’s her... man of honor.”
Fornell sighed. Even with a pregnant wife on his lap, the
look on his face was sincerely questioning Jimmy’s heterosexuality.
Gibbs nodded. His look answered with a sort of wistfulness
for when men knew how to act like men. It’s not that he doesn’t think Jimmy’s
straight (or cares one way or the other). After Lee, everyone at NCIS knows
that about Jimmy, it’s just… Somehow Jimmy got to be thirty-six without anyone
ever mentioning to him that there were certain things men don’t do, and being
the maid of honor is one of those things. But Jimmy didn’t get that memo, and
he and Abby are having a blast with wedding planning, so it’s Gibbs’ job not to
roll his eyes too much.
“Their first idea was renfaire.”
“What’s that?” Fornell asked.
“The sort of thing we’d have to wear tights for.”
Fornell shuddered.
They stayed late to help Gibbs tidy up. Well, that was the
official reason anyway. Both Abby and Tim were curious to get to know Susan
better, and sticking around after the rest of the crowd left gave them a shot
to do so.
They’re in the kitchen. Gibbs loading his dishwasher. Tim’s
got drying duty. Susan’s washing up, and Abby, who really knows her way around
Gibbs kitchen, is putting the dried pots and pans away.
Tim’s not really talking, just watching. Gibbs at home with
a girlfriend is worth watching. Gibbs gets finished with the dishwasher, closes
it up, takes two steps to the left, and gently strokes the back of his fingers
down Susan’s neck, and smiles at her.
She smiles back, handing Tim another pot, turning her face
into a waiting kiss.
As Tim rubs the towel over the sauce pot, he realizes one
more change between this year and the last. Last year, this wouldn’t have
happened. Well, maybe in front of Abby, this could have happened, but not in
front of him.
Last year, he was somewhere in that liminal stage between
friend/family/underling. And both he and Gibbs felt those walls, knew where
they were, and made sure they stayed in place.
This year, watching the almost goofy smile on Gibbs’s face
as Susan teases him a little, he knows those walls are gone. He’s home, with
his wife, and the dad he’s always wanted, at ease, and happy.
He hugs Susan as they head out, which felt pretty natural.
And he hugged Gibbs too, who looked a little surprised at it, but seemed to get
what he meant by it, giving him a little squeeze before they headed into the
cold to go to their own home.
And tomorrow there’ll be work, and Gibbs’ll be the boss and
they’ll catch bad guys, and those walls will be back, because when they’re
working they’re useful. But this space outside of NCIS is real now, and
forever, and it feels awfully good.
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